" method="post">
Loan Information
Property Information

* required information

30 || $_POST[years]<1) $error[] = "Please make sure that the Amortization length is between 0 to 30."; elseif($_POST[interestRate]>30 || $_POST[interestRate]<1) $error[] = "Please make sure that the Interest rate is between 0 to 30."; if(count($error)) { echo '
'; } $error = ob_get_clean(); if(empty($error)) { ob_start(); $N = 12*$_POST[years]; $r = $_POST[interestRate]/100/12; $R = 1+$r; $monthlyPayment = $_POST[loanAmount]*$r / (1 - pow((1+$r),(-$N))); $totalInterest = ($monthlyPayment*$N)+($r*$_POST[loanAmount] - $monthlyPayment)*((pow((1+$r),$N)-1)/$r); $pAllMonthly = (($_POST[pTax]/12) + ($_POST[pInsurance]/12) +($_POST[mInsurance])); if(empty($_POST[pTax]) && empty($_POST[pInsurance]) && empty($_POST[mInsurance])) $pAllMonthly = ($_POST[pPrice] * 0.108/100) + ($_POST[loanAmount] * 0.04/100); ?>


Your estimated monthly payments are with a total interest of over the life of the loan.

Amortization Schedule

"; $nkey = array_search($m, $month); if($nkey == 11) { $m = $month[0]; $y = $y + 1; } else $m = $month[$nkey+1]; } ?>
YearMonthBeginning BalancePrinciple PaidInterest PaidEnding Balance
$y$m" . number_format(round($balanceB, 2), 2) . "" . number_format(round($principle_paid, 2), 2) . "" . number_format(round($interest_paid, 2), 2) . "" . number_format(round($balance, 2), 2) . "

Amortization Schedule

"; $y = $y + 1; } ?>
YearBeginning BalancePrinciple PaidInterest PaidEnding Balance
$y" . number_format(round($balanceB, 2), 2) . "" . number_format(round($principle_paid, 2), 2) . "" . number_format(round($interest_paid, 2), 2) . "" . number_format(round($balance, 2), 2) . "